
Knowledge Family are providing latest and meaningful to our client. We are providing wide range of knowledge to across to world. Pakistan is a country where the mostly families are illiterate they are uneducated and do not know about how to gain the latest knowledge from the world. 
Every person comes to this world through birth, and literally from the first moment a huge flow of information falls through him, coming in through the senses, which the child begins to absorb like a sponge, mastering this world and adapting to it. He grows up, learns, matures, gains knowledge, experience, and all this happens first in the family, in the circle of his relatives and friends, then continues in the school, in the work collective, etc. A person learns this world and develops, mastering the knowledge accumulated by previous generations, and also discovers new knowledge for themselves in the process of its activity. At the same time, new acquired knowledge and experience of a person becomes the property of the society in which he lives, and they, in turn, can be used by other people for their development.

 Information is a message we received through the senses about what is happening around and within us. Knowledge is nothing but meaningful and understood by us information about what is happening around and within us.”

It should be borne in mind that the information on the basis of which knowledge is formed may be true, and may be false, therefore, knowledge may be both true and false.

In turn, the truth - this is the content of our knowledge, which does not depend on the subject. For example: the statement “Earth is spinning” is true, and it does not depend on what a person thinks about it. The depth of understanding of truth depends on the level of human evolutionary development.

The concept of " worldview " is inseparable from the concept of man. Worldview is a way of spiritual orientation of a person in the surrounding reality, a certain view of the world. It is a system of the most common ideas and knowledge about the world and the place of a person in it, values ​​and beliefs of an individual.

The knowledge of the parasitic essence of the economic system is shaped by the worldview both in one and in the other direction, depending on which side a person takes. If he considers money as a commodity and acts on that basis, then he acts on the side of the “social parasites,” whether he understands it or not, and vice versa.

Knowledge of the moral laws of human development, as a biological species embedded in the ecological system of the earth, and occupying a certain niche, allows you to consciously choose a creative path of development or destructive. In the first case, this path is based on moral norms inherent only to reasonable beings, such as honor, conscience, nobility, compassion, self-sacrifice, love (in the spiritual sense of the word), etc., giving the possibility of infinite development, which allows certain conditions to reach the level of creation. This path is not easy, it requires a person of great willpower, strength of mind, hard work and great responsibility, but at the same time brings great joy of creativity.

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