What are the Types of Operational Issues in the Business

 What are the types of operational issues in the BUSINESS?

At the beginning of 2019, our company summed up the results of a study to assess the quality of design and implementation of business processes using the open service. Over the past 2 years, 165 companies have been diagnosed on the site, more than 1,300 business processes have been evaluated. As a result, each company received an integral assessment of the quality of management, as well as a list of existing problems. In turn, we analyzed the results and made a comprehensive analysis of the quality of management in small companies in the following areas:

      1.      Lack of Technology

This root cause is the undisputed leader among the rest. It lies at the root of 85% of the problems that were identified in the studied companies.

What is technology applied to business? This is a description of the result to be obtained, operations, objects and means of activity, requirements for performers. Why are there no technologies in the company? As a rule, this is due to the banal misunderstanding that a business is a complex socio-technical system. And, like any complex system, a business system must be designed. Designing allows you to get, among many others, two main effects:

Lack of Technology

  •   Reduce, in some cases dramatically, errors in the work of the 
  •  To find "white" spots on the map of the activities of the company. These are the types of activities that should be carried out, but for some reason, so far no one has thought about it.

In practice, managers often believe that it is enough to define a goal, and then employees themselves organize and, by virtue of their abilities, come up with the necessary technology. Yes, it happens that it works. But in a limited class of situations: in small companies whose employees have sufficient intelligence and knowledge. The second common misconception is that by “trial and error” the necessary technology will sooner or later develop “itself”. Most often this does not happen, and if it does, the cost of resources “for mistakes” turn out to be excessively large.

The consequence of the above is that the company must have a cohort of business architects and regular organizational design activities. In practice, the best solution is the approach when a qualified specialist (Director of Organizational Development), who is functionally subordinate to all managers, heads this activity. The main non-trivial idea here is that all managers must be business architects. Or rather, they should have time to occupy such a role. In practice, a vicious circle arises: “To think about the optimization of activities, we do not have time. And in order for time to appear, you need to optimize activity. Only the will of a top manager can break this circle. We will talk about this in the following root cause.

Examples of reasons based on the lack of 

  • Orders for resources are not always placed with suppliers in advance, due to which there are late deliveries;
  • There are no quantitative, clearly measurable criteria that measure customer 
  • Attracted staff does not meet the requirements of the company in terms of competence and 
  • The existing cost management system does not allow to avoid unnecessary costs and creates a shortage of resources.
      2.      Lack of Understanding

After identifying the root cause 1, a reasonable question arises - why the company didn’t set up activities for the development of technology activities (sorry for the tautology)? Why do companies allow themselves to lose money due to inefficiency? The answer is simple - the lack of insight from most top managers about organizational design. A particularly depressing picture has to be observed in the regions. "Impregnation" of the necessary knowledge of heads of the first persons goes, but goes slowly. Plus, many domestic top managers and business owners live "here and now", and often look for tools that should help solve local problems quickly, sometimes without regard for the long-term development of the business, without regard for the interconnection of individual objects in business system .

Lack of Understanding

This is confirmed by the popularity of training's and seminars in the spirit of “10 secrets of successful sales”, “5 secrets of success in marketing” , etc. The list goes on and on. We are not against training. We love them. Simply searching for a “magic button” that helps solve business problems in three steps often becomes the usual practice of managers. At the same time, only a few think that the main cause of many problems that they want to solve is the lack of a systematic approach to business development. Again, we return to organizational design as a special type of activity. To activities that the first persons in the business have no right to ignore! (The amendment is in a competitive environment. Where there is no competition, development technologies there are probably not so much in demand).

Also, speaking about organizational design, we would like to note that the respondents to the research noted the following problems when implementing the development strategy of a company:

  •            Lack of regular monitoring of the competitive environment;
  •          An irregular analysis of changes and trends in various industries, which would allow a clear       orientation in the market situation, finding new stable and promising markets;
  •        An irregular analysis of the legislative and regulatory framework, which would eliminate all      risks associated with legal changes;
  •       The lack of regular independent employee reviews of existing markets for suppliers of goods      and services, which would allow access to the most profitable offers;
  •    An irregular analysis of the demographic, social and cultural changes that are taking place,        the lack of consideration of appropriate forecasts in the development of long-term plans and       programs.
       3.      No Funds

It is obvious that for the implementation of many activities necessary for a long and prosperous existence of the company, including organizational planning activities, budgets are necessary. Unfortunately, we have no recipes for how to eliminate this root cause for companies that have funds only for the implementation of current operating activities. Only monopolists can allow themselves not to pay attention to development, to the effectiveness of their activities. Although, as we see now in Russia, even monopolists have begun to actively address the issues of the effectiveness of their activities. Therefore, the best development of events in the absence of funds is the sale of the company.

       4.      No Control

Indeed, there are situations when both the technology is developed and the staff is trained, but the work is not done as it should. For example, respondents noted the following problems associated with lack of control:

  •           The launch of technological equipment into operation is not always carried out after all the         necessary procedures for adjustment and testing have been carried 
  •        Installation and adjustment of technological equipment is carried out without taking into           account the requirements of documentation for this equipment;
  •          The implementation of shift tasks is not reflected in management accounting promptly and        in a timely manner;
This is really a serious problem, and the essence of it is quite unexpected. Technically, the solution to this problem is quite obvious: control methods are introduced at the stage of development of the underlying technology, or the technology itself is structured in such a way as to prevent wrong work.

       5.      No Information system

Strangely enough, only one problem that respondents noted may clearly be related to the lack of the necessary means for work - the information system. This problem:

  • Orders for resources are not always placed with suppliers in advance, due to which late delivery occurs.
Let us make the assumption that there is a work technology, but the volume of the nomenclature for an order is so large that it is impossible to process them manually. Fortunately, the necessary information systems exist - these are systems that, for example, implement the MRP II resource requirements planning methodology (today these are all systems belonging to the ERP class). It allows, given the delivery time for each item in a timely manner to create orders to suppliers.


Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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