6 tricks you must know to increase your website traffic in 2019

SEO promotion traffic is the number of visitors to the site for a specific period of time (day, week, month or year).

Actually, the goal of any site is to attract as many users as possible to their pages for the sake of profit. That is why the question of how to increase site traffic is so relevant.

But not all traffic will be useful for the site owner. Talking about the effectiveness of an Internet resource is possible only when visitors do not just go to its pages, but also perform targeted actions: place orders, register, call the company, etc. It is important to attract the interested audience to the site, that is, targeted traffic.

Seo services, Types of Seo Services, How to increase website traffic

To do this, you must correctly choose the tools of advancement. The most effective ways to increase website traffic will be those that are based on targeting.

Targeting (from the English target - “goal”) - these are advertising tools that allow you to select from the entire Internet community a target audience that fits specific criteria (age, gender, income level, scope, interests, etc.).

There are several sources of traffic, that is, channels through which visitors enter the site. And in each direction it is necessary to carry out careful work to increase site traffic.

Ways to increase traffic to the site
1.   contextual advertising
Traffic from contextual advertising is users who have come to the site by links from advertisements that appear on the PS pages along with the results of the search results or on thematic sites.

Placing contextual advertising ensures that the target audience will see your site on the first page of the issue on their request. This, respectively, will increase the attendance of the resource at times. Google AdWords are the main systems for placing contextual advertising. In principle, you can customize your advertising campaign. However, if you do not have the relevant experience and knowledge, there is a high probability that you will waste money.

If you nevertheless decided to independently engage in conducting contextual advertising to increase site traffic, then follow the following recommendations:

  • A well-formed list of requests is half the success of an advertising campaign. In this case, advice on negative keywords is just as relevant as for traffic promotion. Do not pay for non-target transitions;
  • Create ads on the principle of "less words - more sense." Avoid non-informative sentences.
Give the ads answers to the questions what, where and how much it will cost. Such advertising will attract exactly the audience that is interested in your product, prices and region suit it. The probability of transitions to the site will increase, and, accordingly, attendance will increase;
  • fill in the electronic business card form so that the ad contains the link “Address and telephone number” leading to the page with contacts;
  • select a landing page that matches the ad text. Do not redirect all clicks to the main page;
  • Set up time targeting depending on your budget or client activity on the web;
  • Configure geographic targeting to show ads only to users residing in the territory in which your company is ready to provide services.
The advantages of contextual advertising as a way to increase traffic is that only interested users see ads. The first visitors appear on the site within a few hours after the launch of the advertising campaign. Contextual advertising is easy to manage. However, this is a rather expensive method. And this is his main drawback.
2.   Display advertising
The traffic in this case gets to the site when clicking on an advertising banner placed on the page of search results or on some Internet resource.

To achieve the desired effect of display advertising and significantly increase traffic to the site, you need to create a spectacular memorable banner and correctly select the site for its placement.

Advertising banner should be created by professionals - designers and marketers. Graphic content and text contained in the advertisement should complement each other and encourage the user to click on such a banner.

When choosing a site, you need to find out the number of visitors on this Internet resource, the average time spent on the site, the depth of page views, as well as the frequency of updating information, audience behavior (comments, likes, posts, etc.), the amount of other advertising on the pages , and, of course, the price of advertising banners. Based on these data, you need to choose the most suitable site.

The main thing - be sure to customize the display of banners, so as not to waste your budget, and only show ads to your target audience!

The advantages of this method of increasing traffic to the site are:
  • more emotional perception of the advertising message due to visualization;
  • quick results (assuming the campaign was well-organized);
  • full statistics on campaign performance. If all banners were marked, then it is possible to identify inefficient sites, replacing them with more productive ones.
The disadvantage of this method is also the need for high costs.

3.   Social networks
Social media traffic includes users who follow links from forums, blogs, networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Social media marketing allows you not only to increase the flow of users, but also to increase brand awareness, customer loyalty, demand for goods or services.

The most effective and popular ways to increase traffic to the site using SMM:

  • the formation of groups and communities of the brand: attracting them to the target audience and then redirecting it to the site;
  • working with the blogosphere: placing advertising materials on the pages of popular blogs, maintaining interest in information, the development of discussions in the comments;
  • Hidden marketing on the forums: placing recommendations, reviews about the company, its products and services on behalf of satisfied customers.

4.     Blogger communities

Blogger communities are social networks where webmasters communicate, add their new posts and read articles by their colleagues. There are a lot of such resources now, and there is no point in announcing everything. It is better to choose a few suitable and work with them. I will describe those that I use myself.

Announcement of articles in the blogger community is not only an increase in site traffic, but also several open links that help promote pages on search queries. This is very useful for search engine website promotion, if you have a compiled semantic core. However, there is a snag - for the announcement you need to make a small text of 400-500 characters, and unique for each social sphere.

The ideal solution is to create a template announcement and its reproduction using a text generator (this article will be a little later). From my own experience I can say that the result is a text of 2000 characters, which multiplies by 20-30 unique texts of 500 characters each. This is quite enough to announce the post in social networks for bloggers.

5.     Forums

Announcing new articles on forums is a very good solution. For any blog you can find a thematic forum where the target audience lives. The huge advantage of traffic from the forum is that it is very high quality: visitors carefully read the articles, browse several pages and sometimes leave great comments.

You can search for suitable forums with the help of search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo), and if the blog is very narrow, you can search by category in the Google catalog catalog, Dmoz, Aport, etc. I will list those forums in which I announce posts , seo topics forums.

6.     Quality content

Despite the fact that this item is the last, it can be put in the first place, because none of the ways of free promotion will not allow you to increase site traffic with poor content. Nowadays, search engine algorithms are much smarter, just rewriting finished texts and achieving technical uniqueness is not enough. You can, of course, do it yourself, but writing articles takes a lot of time, plus - the topic can be new and unexplored for you.

The solution is the content-exchange Godsofcontent.biz, it’s not for nothing that they took the slogan “Texts for increasing attendance”, because this is exactly what their authors are trained in, they know what SEO is and how to optimize articles for search queries.

When working with freelancers or buying a ready-made article, there is a high risk of getting another useless set of words, unlike them, this exchange guarantees that if you don’t like the text, you will immediately be paid back.

There are three tariffs, from $ 1.59 to $ 3.79 per thousand characters, I advise you to start with intermediate tariffs, in most cases they meet the expectations.

Even a novice can deal with the system, just register and the order form will become available to you - describe your requirements for the article, specify the number of characters and select a tariff.


Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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