What are the Top Digital Marketing Trends for Small Businesses in 2019?

Traditionally, at the end of the year, experts from all areas summarize and try to predict the future of their industries. Most often, the forecasts supported by these data come true, as they allow to identify trends and assess the degree of their influence on the market. Marketing trends 2019 is no exception.
Of course, your strategy for the coming year will not be turned upside down. But if you take into account a few important points in it, you can gain time and apply new technologies before competitors. How to refuse such?
Chat-bots and live chats are not new technologies. To them, it seems, everyone is accustomed. However, the approach of marketers to this technology will change.
1.4 billion people interact with chat-bots every year. An impressive figure. At the same time, 80% of brands are already using or planning to introduce them by 2020.
Chat-Bot for Small Business

This means that in 2019, many companies will start using chat rooms for marketing purposes.
What camp will you join?
As soon as chat-bots started appearing on sites, users reacted to them with disbelief. But by the end of 2018, many realized that this is indeed the most convenient method of communication. Email and calls in the past.
Another couple of facts in the piggy bank technology advantages. Live chat increases the chances of making a purchase three times! It can also increase your conversion rates up to 20% and ROI up to 305%.

2. Interactive video content

Video is not the first time occupies a leading position in the ranking of content formats. But by 2019 it will change - it will begin a confident movement towards interactivity.
A familiar example to many is a video with a circular view. This still underestimated format allows viewers to choose the viewing angle and makes the experience much more impressive.
Interactive with Video Content

360 ° video can be published not only in social networks, it will increase the efficiency of both email and website.
98% of US consumers agree that the all-around videos are more interesting than traditional ones. Not surprisingly, the rate of click ability is 8 times higher. 70% of marketers confirm - 360 ° video positively influenced their business, because the audience interacts with them 65% more willingly.
Considering all these data, you can safely add interactive videos to the list of hot trends for 2019.

Have you heard about IGTV? Details about the new Instagram application, I told in this article.
Loud launch, predictions, and then a lull. Should I put a cross on a mobile video project?
Considering how rapidly Instagram is developing, developers need to rely on the developers' instincts.
In 2019 IGTV has every chance of becoming a hit. While the application is only gaining momentum, you need to have time to conquer the hearts of users. By the time competitors get to IGTV, you will have time to build a confident presence.

4. New horizons of personalization

Algorithms of artificial intelligence can offer users a completely new level of personalization of experience, which will inevitably lead to an increase in sales.
In 2019, personal recommendations will become more accurate and relevant. This is especially waiting for the younger generation.
Users are willing to share personal data to see more relevant content and advertising. Equally beneficial to all!

5. Advertising on Facebook and Instagram

Most companies around the world prefer to pay for promotion on Facebook and Instagram.
31% of brands in Instagram promote their accounts with advertising. In 2017, this figure was 24%, in 2016 and even less - 12%. For four years, the volume of advertising on the platform has grown 8 times!
And since Instagram is owned by Facebook, many companies are moving on these two platforms simultaneously.
If you have never run an Instagram ad, be sure to test it next year. The more advertisers on the platform, the harder it is to break through organic content. Therefore, you should not lose time.

6. Beacon technology

Beacon technology is similar to GPS, but for business (especially retail) it is of much greater interest. Here is how it works.
The first condition is that the user must install the brand application. After that, it will be possible to monitor its movement: determine the most popular departments of the store or the hours when the customer is near the establishment. All this data helps brands send personalized offers to customers.

Beacon Technology

This technology will be useful for online shopping. They can place Beacon beacons in public places and reach out to the audience during their visit.
With the growing popularity of mobile applications, business interest in this technology will also increase. In 42% of companies already have their own applications (among brands created mellinialami, this figure is even higher - 55%). 30% plan to create an application in the near future. What does it mean? In 2019, you should seriously think about creating a branded application and using Beacon technology in marketing.

7. Voice search

Voice assistants are everywhere: they migrated from smartphones to stationary speakers. In 2018, Yandex was the first in Russia to introduce this convenient gadget, so now we have our own counterpart of the popular Amazon Echo in the West.
Voice Search

Users from all over the world are getting used to asking questions with a voice, which cannot but affect the search results.
Experts predict that by 2020, 50% of all requests will be in a voice. But now there are more than a billion of them a month.

8. Predictive analytics

Predictive analytics works on the same principle as personal recommendations, but at the same time offers much more possibilities.
As you can see, 23% have already implemented predictive analytics, while 90% are sure that its use is necessary. So in the coming year, the first indicator will begin to grow at a confident pace, you can be sure.
This is not surprising, because predictive analytics helps to effectively segment customers and takes automation to a new level. Add you and this technology in the list of goals for 2019.

9. Mobile payments

Does your business accept mobile payments? If not, add the corresponding item to the strategy for 2019. This trend will gain momentum.

Mobile Payment

First, mobile payments allow you to pay for goods and services in a mobile application. In Starbucks, for example, you can pay for your order in advance.
Secondly, the technology makes it possible to pay for purchases with a smartphone. Already more than 440 million people worldwide use Apple Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay.
By 2020, that number will be 760 million. 2019 promises to be a hot year for mobile payments.

10. AI and machine learning

Many of the above trends are unthinkable without artificial intelligence and machine learning. Every year, these technologies are improving and open up new opportunities for marketers.


Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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