10 Factors of Successful SEO in 2019

10 factors of successful SEO in 2019

The year 2018 is coming to an end and it is time to take stock. During this year we have promoted several dozens of projects on SEO, and in this article we will share with your information on which you should pay most attention when promoting websites in 2019.

10 most significant factors of successful SEO are presented to your attention. Many of you know that search engines use more than 800 factors affecting the position of your site in the issue. Each of them has a different weight and degree of impact on the place in the top. Experimentally, we determined the check-points, the execution of which gives a guaranteed increase in site visibility in search engines, and hence an increase in organic search traffic, targeted actions and leads.

All 10 factors are 100% important for the promotion of each resource. We recommend that you check your website for the quality of the implementation of all nineteen points.

1.      Mobile version of the site / responsive design

Mobile Devices

It is important not to confuse the mobile version and responsive design, these are different ways of organizing the work of the site. We recommend to consult with SEO-specialists before choosing a responsive design or mobile-version, since there are “pitfalls”. For our part, we recommend using adaptive.

2.      High speed site loading

Formally, according to information from representatives of the search engine, the impact of data from Google Page Speed ​​Insights on the ranking is only about 1%. On the one hand, this is very small, but this factor also increases the popularity of the resource, the number of transitions, the depth of viewing, reduces the server load and the total number of failures. The red zone is a general assessment of the resource, and not a single circumstance. 

3High-quality hosting


Hosting is the physical space occupied by your site. Search engines have learned to distinguish high-quality sites from low-cost, low-cost servers. This need is caused by the philosophy of the WEB search: "The user must receive quality answers in the shortest possible time." 

4. Usability of the site

Search engines love hard work and site improvement, encouraging decent web developers. It looks like this:
·         The site at launch received a certain level of trust, indicators of behavioral factors.
·         SEO specialist and developer are beginning to improve any indicators: reduce% of failures, increase the depth of views, work on delaying users on the site.
·         At subsequent overshoots, the statistics are compared, ranking factors are recalculated, the site's rating increases, and consequently its positions in search results are increased.

Website Usability

It is very important to carry out systematic work, improve usability and design constantly, then it can be regarded by search engines in a positive way. In 2019, the improvement of previously placed pages will significantly improve the position in the TOP. 

5. SSL certificate and HTTPS protocol


HTTPS is an advanced protocol adapted to increased security requirements. Thanks to the use of an SSL certificate, the communication channels are encrypted, which excludes packet reading, interference with data transmission, and espionage. Search engines officially included SSL certificates in their ranking factors back in 2014. Thus, at the user's request, sites that can protect their clients from hacker attacks, theft of personal data and other forms of software piracy rise above. 

6. Social Signals

Firstly, you quickly and inexpensively cover an impressive audience of social networks, and secondly, you receive a lot of social signals for search engines who have learned to recognize user activity and the citation of resources. 

Social Sites

For some posts, you can give paid targeted advertising. We recommend installing “pixels” from VK and Facebook on your site - this will give an opportunity to show ads in social programs to people who have already visited your site. Re-targeting has long been an important element of a competent company internet marketing strategy.

7. Content around the head

Gone are the days of frivolous posting and posting articles. Today it is important to create a clear content plan for at least the next 2-3 months. It is important to post at least 1 quality article per week to maintain resource activity and give signals about the development of your site. 

This will provide improved visibility in organic search, increase search engine confidence, help increase the natural link mass and expand the permanent audience of your WEB resource.

8. Title & Description

Meta tags in 2019 will remain an important element of SEO promotion. The era of generated, skipped, duplicate titles and descriptions has ended. To move to 2019, you need to think through each word in order to maximize the semantics, work with behavioral factors and enable the user to quickly and unambiguously determine the content of the pages.

There are dozens of services to check the correctness of filling meta tags, but 90% of the resources can still find problems with Title. 

In continuation of the META descriptions, descriptions in 2019 should be as saturated as possible with specificity, with words expanding the semantics that strictly define the content of the article. The fact is that the correctness of filling META simultaneously affects 2 categories of SEO factors: technical and behavioral. From a technical point of view, size, semantics, grammar should be respected, with behavioral - meaning, the absence of "water", clarity and clarity. 

It is important to understand that correctly written descriptions and headlines attract 85% more traffic from organic delivery, as they significantly increase the snippet CTR.

9. Tracking and analysis of competitors seo-activity

SEO specialists are required in 2019 to apply techniques and methods of guerrilla marketing and closely monitor the behavior of competitors:
·         Analyze the growth of the reference mass;
·         Monitoring the publication of content (types, intensity, volume);
·         Tracking indexed pages.

Competitor Analysis

If direct competitors dramatically increase the budget and change the promotion strategy, there must be a reaction from your resource. You cannot ignore the important dynamics of the promotion of competitors, so as not to stay behind their backs. It is extremely difficult to “push out” top-end websites that have found a successful strategy and have a budget. 

Competitor analysis can be done using services like SerpStat, SEMrush, etc.

10. Outreach / Crowd Marketing / Links Building

These relatively new concepts broke into SEO Wednesday 2-3 years ago. The point is simple: instead of buying low-quality links on the Sape exchanges and the risk of falling under the filter, you need to do link building and crowd marketing yourself. Instead of the “soulless” purchase of hundreds of spam links, they now use active posting on forums, establish connections with popular bloggers, and build reputation on external resources.


Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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