What is SEO Tip You Think all Bloggers Should Know?

What is SEO tip you think all bloggers should know?

Have you been thinking for a long time and finally decided to create your own personal blog? Surely, you feel like a tourist who has lost his way in a foreign country. An endless number of questions spin in your head. How to call your blog? What subjects to choose? How to promote it on the Internet? How often to post posts?


So, do not panic. You are neither the first nor the last person making his first steps in the blogosphere. Thousands of people have gone this way before you. And they have something to share with you. In this article, we have collected 36 conclusions to which you sometime sooner or later arrived. But why wait? Use these tips now and do not wait for life to fill you bumps.

 1.Choose a subject that is close to you

You should be well versed in the subject matter of your blog, or at least show a great interest in it. Love to learn different recipes and delight your loved ones with new dishes? Then dedicate your cooking blog. Do you like traveling and discovering new countries and cultures? Then create a travel blog.

Do not forget that you will write texts devoted to the chosen subject practically every day. Therefore, it must necessarily inspire you. In addition, the rest of your blog will depend on the theme: title, design, target audience, etc.

2.Your blog must have a unique domain name.

If you decide to start blogging seriously, do not post your blog on foreign domains (like wordpress.com or blogspot.com). Otherwise, you will not be able to stand out against the background of thousands of other bloggers who prefer standard solutions.

Imagine that you rented a car for a couple of days. Will you be able to repaint it in a different color or replace its details? Of course no. By registering your blog on a different domain, you find yourself in a similar situation. You will not have the opportunity to make the desired changes.

3.Your first posts will not be perfect.

And it is quite expected. Do you know at least one blogger who from the very beginning would give out real masterpieces? Personally, I do not. You will need time and practice to become a professional.

Take a look at children who are just learning to walk. Do they acquire this skill in a few days? Of course no. They fall, rise, fill the bumps and rise again, until finally they make their first confident step. So, do not demand too much from yourself. The time will come and you will be proud of your posts.

4.Decide on your copyright style.

Do you want to be a serious, lyrical or funny author? Whatever style of presentation you choose; it should be natural for you. Do not step on your own song's throat. Otherwise, your subscribers will immediately feel the notes of falsehood in your texts.

5.Do not be afraid to experiment

Having defined your “role”, you can already try something new. Do not be limited to articles. Try to write hockey. Create infographics. Take a video. You will not be able to find out what works best for you without examining various post formats.

6.Blogging will not save you from financial problems

If you urgently need money, and you think blogging will help you solve this problem, you are mistaken. Yes, a blog can really make you a profit. However, for this you will need at least several years. After all, it is impossible to promote your blog in just a couple of months.

In general, blogging is not a panacea for financial difficulties. If you are completely breaking, then look for other options to increase your income.

7.The popularity of the post does not always depend on the amount of effort spent on it.

It so happens that you spend the whole day on writing the text, put your whole soul into it and, naturally, expect the audience to appreciate all your efforts. And so, you publish your blog post, and in response - silence ... No comments, likes and sharing’s. And it happens the other way around. You spend on writing the post some half an hour, but it produces a real sensation. So, do not worry - give writing posts as much time as you need, taking into account the interests of your subscribers. The reaction of the audience is unpredictable, and not the fact that the material on the creation of which you have invested a lot of time and effort will surely become viral.

8.Promote your posts on social networks

If you are modest by nature and do not like to attract attention to yourself, then blogging is not for you. Whatever wonderful posts you write, no one will know about their existence unless you start actively promoting them in social media. So, down with modesty and timidity: it's time to tell the world about your blog!

Post links to your posts on Twitter, Facebook, VKontakte and other social networks. Create groups dedicated to your blog and invite new members to them. Let you be called an upstart, but you will know for sure that your publications will not be ignored.

9.Sometimes you can deviate from the topic.

If your blog is dedicated to a specific topic, this does not mean that all your posts should affect only her. Sometimes, you may want to tell your readers something important, but “off topic.” Off all doubts! Similar posts will make your blog more attractive and interesting. In the end, your audience may get bored from hundreds of monotonous posts on the same subject.

10.  Be prepared for criticism

No matter what business you do, there will always be people who will criticize you. Blogging is no exception. You will be hurt, provoke, infuriate. In general, the rest you cannot see.

If you are faced with constructive criticism, it is even good. Perhaps this person understands something better than you. This will give you the opportunity to improve their knowledge in their subject. If this is another brazen troll, then you yourself know what to do. Put it in the ignore.

11.  Always write, even if you have no inspiration.

The best way to overcome creative stagnation is to start writing. Turn on your computer and type something. Let it be utter nonsense, which is incomprehensible even to you. The main thing is to take the first step: to touch the keyboard with your fingers. No wonder they say that the appetite comes with eating. Once you start typing, it will be hard to stop. Words, phrases and sentences will flow in a stream, turning into meaningful text.

12.  You always have a chance to improve.

Do you want to fall through the ground while reading your last post? “And why did I publish it?” - you think to yourself. Stop doing self-flagellation. After all, this is not the end of the world. Yes, perhaps your publication was not entirely successful. But what will prevent you from writing a new, better post to save your reputation? Is that your laziness.


Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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