What is Cyber security and Why It is so Important?

What is Cybersecurity and why it is so important

Over the past few years, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of hacker attacks, data theft, malicious programs in the internet, and they are reported not only by the antivirus developers. In recent months, we have seen that many airlines have reported data theft, organizations such as FIFA, NHS have been hit by malware. And even, as reported, the 2016 American elections were compromised - although in this case, it is most likely a bluff.

As the world is changing rapidly in accordance with digital transformations, the adoption of robust cybersecurity should be part of this change. Whatever your business or whatever your role in a foreign company, it is important to understand what cyber security is and what is needed to ensure it.

 What is cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity is a set of tools, policies, concepts, security guarantees, guidelines, and approaches to risk management. Providing users with training, advanced methods, guarantees, technologies that can be used to organize and protect the cyber environment.”

Cybersecurity is a major issue that concerns all businesses, regardless of size and all employees. As per the case for well-being at work and safety rules, the arrival of the General Regulations on Data Protection (GDPR) in May 2018, invites leaders to grant more importance to cybersecurity to protect their data.


In the era of all connected (machine tools, printers, surveillance cameras, refrigerators, etc.), we could argue that cybersecurity, security and safety are one. According to Bruce Schneier, a computer security guru, "we need to reverse the trend and stop wanting to connect to the Internet." You have to think twice about the added value of a connected object in relation to an unconnected object.

Why raise awareness about cybersecurity at work?

The consequences of a cyber-attack, cyber malveillance or negligence can have significant repercussions on the life of the company:

- many businesses impacted by ransomware no longer have access to their data
- ESET experts count a resurgence of "fraud to the president" attacks, a modern version of extortion
- Data leakage can happen by negligence when an employee forgets their unencrypted computer on public transit

These examples of cyberattacks can in some cases force the company to stop its activity or pay a fine to the Data Protection Authorities (PDAs). Moreover, the fines will be generalized as of May 2018 during the application of the RGPD.

In addition to the implementation of IT security measures, the Directorates-General must also carry out awareness-raising and education campaigns for employees. Indeed, a study conducted in 2015 by the University of Alabama in Birmingham shows that 38% of the offenses are internal. 3 out of 4 companies consider employee negligence to be the biggest threat of data leakage. The study also found that about 75 percent of employees who download work-related files place them in personal accounts on the cloud.

These numbers may increase dramatically as companies embrace the cloud and turn to connected objects. Two recent attacks have also occurred via these channels. The first is a December 2016 DDoS attack. It has disabled the heating controls of automated building systems in Finland. The second is a ransomware that infected the UK's largest hospital (January 2017).

In order to show the ease with which it is possible to enter an unprotected system, two white hats in the United States conducted the experiment. They infiltrated the building management system of an office owned by a technology giant (Sydney, Australia). In a completely different way, they also proved the vulnerability of connected St Jude Medical ™ pacemakers. Cybersecurity, health and safety have never been so linked.

Why give as much credit to cybersecurity as to well-being and enterprise safety?

Over the years, the introduction of health and safety regulations in the workplace has improved the well-being of employees (reduction of stress and accidents at work).

For the survival of the company, leaders must consider cybersecurity as a priority. Thus, a stronger defense will enhance the brand's reputation, protect the data and - in some cases as the example of the connected pacemaker - save lives.

Cybersecurity must be a top priority for businesses to be properly protected. In an interview last year with Business Reporter®, Seamus Doyle, CIO at Northern Ireland Water, stresses the importance of putting cybersecurity, well-being and security on the same level. "When I talk to some of my colleagues, [cybersecurity] does not seem as important to them as welfare and safety at work. This is the next step, "he says. "Companies have long been sacrificing employee welfare and safety for productivity. This is not a suitable way of doing business. Unfortunately, mentalities are moving in the same direction for cybersecurity.

Cybersecurity in companies aims to reinforce both the security of confidential data relating to the business activity (ex: manufacturing secrets, human resources ...) and that of customer data. The goal of the RGPD is to raise awareness of these concepts to protect privacy and digital heritage.


Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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